
판매 요청 장비
[Oxford Andor] BC43 / Benchtop Confocal Microscope
구매년 - 월
2022년 08 월

특징 및 장점

  • Key Features
    - Compact 한 사이즈 *505 mm(W) x 633.3(D) x 448.3 mm(H)
    - 방진 테이블과 암실이 필요 없는 Benchtop Confocal
    - Spinning disk 방식의 빠른 스캔 속도
    - Instant confocal: Blur-free imaging
    - All-in-One Confocal: Transmitted light(Brightfield & DPC)(명시야 위상차), Widefield(와이드필드)
    - Borealis uniform illumination 특허 보유
    - GPU-powered deconvolution
    - 실시간으로 확인 가능한 2D & 3D Image
  • Key Applications
    - Cell biology
    - Developmental biology
    - Neuroscience
    - Cancer biology
    - Tissue imaging
    - Organoids & large organisms

제품 세부 규격

Core Imaging Modes High-speed confocal / Widefield epifluorescence / Transmitted light - brightfield and Differential Phase Contrast
Imaging Methods Single colour, multicolour, z-stacking (volume), time-lapse, multi-position, multi-well, montageand2/3Dstitching.
ClearView™ GPU Clears image of non-specific sample background signal and improves resolution beyond thenormalopticallimits.
Resolution 6.5 μm pixel; 2040 x 1992 (4.1 MP)
QE Up to 82%
Field of view (mm) 18.4 mm (diagonal)
Cooling 0℃
Images 16-bit, monochrome
Fluorescence 4 fixed wavelengths of 405 nm, 488 nm, 561 nm, 638 nm
Transmitted light Broad spectrum visible light LED
Objective Lens Nosepiece Motorised 5 position turret
Objective Magnifications BC43 is supplied with 2x objective for sample overview / Select additional supported objective lenses from 10x to 100x magnification.
Precision motorised x, y stage Travel Range = 110 mm x 80 mm / Resolution = 100 nm
Z-Control & Focus Range = 14.5 mm
Autofocus "Seek & Lock" Technology Sample "Seek & Lock". Finds focal plane for new sample and maintains focus stability during time-lapse experiments.
Sample Vessels Supported Glass slides (25 by 75 mm); culture dish (35 mm diameter); Multiwell plates (6, 12, 24 & 96);Multiwellchambercoverslip(2,4,8).Optimalimagingthroughglass,imagingthrough plasticsamplevesselsaresupportedwithextra-longworkingdistanceobjectives.
Incubation (option) Stage-top incubator. Sliding lid for easy sample access and exchange. Objective heater for oil-immersion objectives.
PC Windows™ 10 software / 64 GB DDR4 RAM / 512 GB PCIe / SSD Boot drive / 512 GB SSD Boot drive / 8 GB Graphics Card / 2 TB Image data storage (option to add more) / Fusion control and Imaris Quantify Package software
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